Zoltar 2012-NC
!!! NEW !!!
CNC machinekitset using dual ballscrews!
A compact light duty CNC hobby machine, with a A3 sized workspace.>workrange X-Y-Z 430x317x100mm< Aiming pricing on a budget well under 1000€uro's for mechanics & electronics - that is including ballscrews! - Currently exploring the interrest from visitors if this product should be available.A prototype machine build will be arranged next.more info's on the forum
Zoltar-CNC 2011-CL
Current stock - available on preorder.
A compact CNC machine with a large workspace.
Here a few impressions and samples below
Features of the all new 2011-CL - based on 10 years experience with these kind of tools.
- 4-times as much cutting area as the original classic from 2001 -
Zoltar 2012-NC
!!! NEW !!!
CNC machinekitset using dual ballscrews!
A compact light duty CNC hobby machine, with a A3 sized workspace.>workrange X-Y-Z 430x317x100mm< Aiming pricing on a budget well under 1000€uro's for mechanics & electronics - that is including ballscrews! - Currently exploring the interrest from visitors if this product should be available.A prototype machine build will be arranged next.more info's on the forum
Zoltar-CNC 2011-CL
Current stock - available on preorder.
A compact CNC machine with a large workspace.
Here a few impressions and samples below
Features of the all new 2011-CL - based on 10 years experience with these kind of tools.
- 4-times as much cutting area as the original classic from 2001 -
Purpose : Plastics and woods
Optional:X-300-X1000 X-1200mm Y-550mm Z-90mm
-Ballscrew drive, all axis - alternatively Trapezium screws still possible
-Traveling speeds using ballscrews up to 60 mm per second.
- Aiming at 0,1mm repeating accuracy or better.
-Standard 43mm mount rotary tool, like Kress .
-Available as a kitset, no worries about lasercutters or lasercuttingresults.
-Lock-in slide mount of the components, using Loctite 330 for fixation.
Using four 1,5Nm -Nema 23 sized stepper on X-Y-Z
(X-axis dual drive mechanicaly joined by toothbelt)
Interrested? Questions?
Visit the Zoltar-CNC forum
update july 2012:
Watch the video if yo have a few minutes!
update may 2012:
update april 2012:
More HTD5 pulleys!
update march 2012:
Cutting 18mm Alu rod!
V-carved trespa !
update feb 2012:
Cutting 1,5mm Brass!First 3D model cut!
X-750MM Y-550 Z-90mm
X-1200MM Y-550 Z-90mm
Specially for educational and public purpose a suitable enclosure is under development.
Gears in Trespa..
Small movie on the forum.....
update dec 2011:
Prototype XXL version extending X to 1200 workrange
Now under my X-mas tree!!!!!
Merry Christmas and a good & healthy 2012!

(Although not designed for this purpose, trials showed it even can be used limited for cutting brass and aluminium cutting)
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy CNCìng, Chris Reinders.

Join the Zoltar-CNC forum
Vist my personal pages here for previous designs:
Purpose : Plastics and woods
Optional:X-300-X1000 X-1200mm Y-550mm Z-90mm
-Ballscrew drive, all axis - alternatively Trapezium screws still possible
-Traveling speeds using ballscrews up to 60 mm per second.
- Aiming at 0,1mm repeating accuracy or better.
-Standard 43mm mount rotary tool, like Kress .
-Available as a kitset, no worries about lasercutters or lasercuttingresults.
-Lock-in slide mount of the components, using Loctite 330 for fixation.
Using four 1,5Nm -Nema 23 sized stepper on X-Y-Z
(X-axis dual drive mechanicaly joined by toothbelt)
Interrested? Questions?
Visit the Zoltar-CNC forum
update july 2012:
Watch the video if yo have a few minutes!
update may 2012:
update april 2012:
More HTD5 pulleys!
update march 2012:
Cutting 18mm Alu rod!
V-carved trespa !
update feb 2012:
Cutting 1,5mm Brass!First 3D model cut!
X-750MM Y-550 Z-90mm
X-1200MM Y-550 Z-90mm
Specially for educational and public purpose a suitable enclosure is under development.
Gears in Trespa..
Small movie on the forum.....
update dec 2011:
Prototype XXL version extending X to 1200 workrange
Now under my X-mas tree!!!!!
Merry Christmas and a good & healthy 2012!

(Although not designed for this purpose, trials showed it even can be used limited for cutting brass and aluminium cutting)
Thanks for dropping by!
Happy CNCìng, Chris Reinders.

Join the Zoltar-CNC forum
Vist my personal pages here for previous designs: